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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stress Busters

1. Sleep: This beats all. Sleep often. Take short naps. Sometimes, I take nap at work. Its called a silent nap where you just close your eyes for 10 minutes and let your body freeze.

When i return home from work, I directly crash to bed. Power nap of 30 minutes.

2. Drink a lot of water. Have a bottle of water everywhere. In your desk, beside your bed, in the couch. 

3. Shower. I am too lazy to take shower 3 times a day but a long shower is a good stress buster.

4. Music. Queue up your favorite playlist, put on your earphones and walk. You will instantly feel better.

5. Play with kids in your locality. If the kids don't play with you, play with stray dogs. 

6. Feed animals, birds, cows. Feed them with your own hand. It will feel bizarre initially but when the sense of affection grows, you will start liking it.

7. Don't watch too much porn. It adds up to your stress through the subconscious mind. Exposure to abrupt pornography causes unnecessary expectations in your brain and your system starts to believe and desire for it, without you even knowing it.

8. Talk with an old friend. 

9. Engage in some physical activity. Sweat, Run, let those fat burn and feel the heat inside your stomach. Push yourself. If you don't find time for running, play indoor games which involves some physical activity. I play table tennis everyday. Engaging in sports also gives your brain a much desired re-boot. 

10. Spend some time alone. Completely alone. The best time to do this is early morning but since I find it difficult to rise early, I do it at late night. A 15 minutes late night walk alone. Sometimes, a long drive in the highway.

11. And the best stress buster of all times. This.

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